- A definition of Contemporary Christian Music
- The history of Christian rock music
- What kind of music should be used in churches
- The spiteful anti-fundamentalist attitude which permeates CCM
- The intimate connection between end-time apostasy and CCM
- Southern gospel yesterday and today
- How CCM musicians love secular rock music
- The ecumenicalism of Contemporary Christian Music
- The close association of CCM with Roman Catholicism
- The intimate connection between CCM and the Charismatic Movement
- An encyclopedia of 200 CCM musicians, containing profiles of their lives and ministries, church affiliations, philosophies, ecumenical associations, music
- Documentation proving that CCM is owned largely by secular corporations
- Lyrics to CCM songs illustrating the vagueness and heresy of their message
- CCM arguments answered (must we use rock music to win young people, music is neutral, people are getting saved, God doesn't look on the outward appearance, Luther used tavern music, God created all music, Christians are not to judge, etc.)
- Careful documentation of every fact presented
- How to keep Contemporary Christian Music out of churches
- Where Christians should draw the line with music