The Three-In-One Multipurpose Family Book
* An Entertaining ABC Rhyme Book
* A Coloring Book
* A Sunday School, Home School, Christian School, and Home Devotional Teaching Book
We have always had a tradition in our home of praying and reading the Scriptures each morning with our children, and having family devotions each evening. We have endeavored to purchase and use as much good children's material as possible, in order to train our five dear children in the things of the Lord from the day they were born.
Unfortunately today, many precious lives are being led astray by the evil teaching of evolution. Young children spend countless hours in front of a television set, watching humanistic evolutionary programs. It has been our burden to produce quality books that children and parents can use together, not only to learn about the Bible and God's world, but also to be able to defend the Christian faith against the onslaughts of evolutionary ideas that are so pervasive in our society.
The Scripture plainly teaches that the father is to be the spiritual head of the family, and "the father to the children make known thy truth." (Isaiah 39:19)
We believe this book provides a unique opportunity for parents, and particularly fathers, to spend time with their children, and teach them the wonderful truths of creation using those fascinating creatures - the dinosaurs. We have tried to make this book entertaining, instructive, and colorful. We wrote it as a rhyme book , as we have found that most children enjoy learning and reciting rhymes. We hope this will be a book that parents as well as children will love. It should stimulate family togetherness, and encourage the reading of books, rather than watching of television.
It is our prayer that this book will cause children to request more and more: "Please, read me a story, Daddy." Ken and Mally Ham