Heirs Together of Life is a series of short studies on almost 200 passages from the Bible, selected from Genesis to Revelation in sequence. In each case the teaching of the Scripture is related to marriage and the home.
This unique guide by Charles and Norma Ellis has several valuable features:
* It covers the whole range of Biblical teaching and is not merely the presentation of a few interesting ideas about the Christian home.
* The lasting impression it gives is how God's Word relates to our life. It therefore places all the emphasis on God's wisdom rather than on human insights.
* It exhorts married couples to enjoy truly open-hearted Christ-centered marriage and home life. But it does more. It puts into their hands a tool which can be used to bring about these blessings. It not only communicates with married couples, but it helps them communicate with each other about God's design for them.
The Bible stresses throughout that marriage is to be honored. This book points out how the Christian couple, in the midst of a world which has dishonored God and his creation, may display that honor. It shows how a man and woman united in Christ can know the true meaning of being together. It makes them sense the high privilege of being heirs of the life Christ so graciously gives.