In Texas alone, 55,392 children were victims of either abuse and/or neglect during the 1991 fiscal year; and average of 152 children per day. 103 children died as a result of abuse and/or neglect during the same 12 month period. In a six month period, 1,073 child sex abuse victims were actually assessed in 1992. Of the 1,073 child abuse victims mentioned, 870 were female; 203 were male. More than 90,000 reports were investigated by Children's Protective Services.
"Sandra Cerda's story is a touching illustration of God's power to heal a broken life. It gives an answer to all those carrying the scares of sexual abuse and provides insight to those wanting to understand the tragedy of lost innocence. Sandra's story sends a powerful message that victims of sexual abuse do not have to remain victims for the rest of their lives. Sandra Cerda is not a victim - she's an overcomer who is paving a victorious path for herself and for others." Katy Edwards 700 Club - Reporter/Writer Virginia Beach, Virginia