Out of the Valley of Darkness (1992)
"Sarah," the young woman suffering from schizophrenia, whose story was related in Pigs In The Parlor, tells her own amazing story.
"Sarah" (actually Mary-Etta Hinkle) had a relatively normal life. She was loved, but somehow couldn't accept the love from her family. What were the factors, and contributing influences that caused her to become schizophrenic, and what is more important, how was she set free?
Learn for yourself as the real life "Sarah" lays her life open before you without whitewashing any of her problems.
(The following is from the PREFACE COMMENT by Frank Hammond).
... Over the years many people have inquired about "Sarah." They have asked, "How is she doing?" "Was she really delivered from schizophrenia?" "Has she kept her deliverance?"
... Tears of joy and thanksgiving flooded our eyes as we read the manuscript . . .