Tale of Two Brains: Men's Brains...Women's Brains
"It's one thing to understand men and women in general - it's another thing to understand the one you got stuck with!"
In this highly-entertaining DVD, national marriage expert, Mark Gungor, explores the differences between men and women or what he calls, "The Laws of Relational Physics". Specifically, how men and women are wired differently. They act differently, them communicate differently and most importantly, they think differently. Mark shows couples that their problems may result from how men and women THINK about life in a different way. He explains that many of the struggles couples face in marriage are the result of a HEAD problem, not a HEART problem.
In addition you'll discover:
* The importance of sex in your marriage.
* About that secret place your husband loves to go to - "The Nothing Box".
* How to get a man to do what you want him to do.
* Four simple steps to change the flow of give and take in your relationship.