What Christian Leaders Are Saying...
"Entertaining Spirits Unaware will provide readers with the tools needed to effectively combat the encroachment of the occult and New Age into our lives and homes." Martin Maddoux, host "Point of View" radio talk show
"If ever there was a need for a clear expose on the subtle deceptions of the Evil One, it is now! This book will provide you with just such a tool. It will not gather dust in the possession of those who care." Ed Decker, author The Makers
"I always appreciate Eric Banger's godly insight into the tough issues surrounding false doctrine. This book on the occult invasion is timely and much needed in our culture." Jim Spencer, author Hard Case Witnessing: Winning 'Impossible" - for Christ
"David and Eric's years of experience in researching and ministering on the occult and related topics will make this book a valuable resource for every household." Phil Phillips, author Turmoil in the Toybox