Hip Hop is not a culture, but it is a consequence to the actions of a people that are selfishly immoral and thus produce children that must find their own way. The embracing of this philosophy is destroying the future of our African American youth and is birthing a new found lust for money power, and pleasure, without responsibility. The saddest part is that the Black Church as a whole is not only silent on these issues, but is becoming self serving and money/power driven itself. And just as fatherless-ness is the root of the problem in the streets of the African American community, it is fast becoming the root of immoral, effeminate, and lustful leadership in the black churches of America. In this installment of the Truth Behind Hip Hop DVD Series, G. Craige Lewis uncovers the curse that produced the “Hip Hop Culture” and where America is headed if we don’t stop this movement. God is judging America and he is starting with the leadership of his house, the church of God!